Local Hero

Local Hero

Local Hero

Local Hero is a 1983 Scottish comedy-drama film written and directed by Bill Forsyth and starring Peter Riegert, Denis Lawson, Peter Capaldi, Fulton Mackay and Burt Lancaster. Produced by David Puttnam, the film is about an American oil company representative who is sent to the fictional village of Ferness, to purchase the town and surrounding property for his company. Most of the Ferness village scenes was filmed at Pennan, 40 miles north of Aberdeen, while the beach scenes at Morar and Arisaig on the West Coast.

For his work on the film, Forsyth won the 1984 BAFTA Award for Best Direction.

Local Hero Wikipedia Page

Forget about Brigadoon and Whisky Galore, forget about Trainspotting (and certainly forget about Braveheart!), this is indisputably the best Scottish film ever made. Starring Peter Riegert, Burt Lancaster, Wedge Antilles, the Twelfth Doctor and just about every Scottish actor alive in the 1980s, the film is just fantastic.

It has also got an incredible film score written by Mark Knopfler.

Pennan from Pennan Head

Local Hero on Rotten Tomatoes

Roger Ebert’s Review of Local Hero

About the author

Roger McDermott administrator

I am one of the Conference Chairs for ITiCSE 2019.

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