Torry, lying on the south bank of the River Dee, was once a Royal Burgh in its own right, having been erected a burgh of barony in 1495. It was incorporated into Aberdeen in 1891, after the construction of the Victoria Bridge, itself made possible by the 1871 channelling of the River Dee which had previously followed an unstable course to the sea. The channelling also enabled further expansion of the harbour
From the VisitAberdeenshire blog
If you’re looking for breathtaking views, you never have to look too far in Aberdeen & Aberdeenshire with our stretching coastline and rich countryside providing plenty of epic photo locations.
Fairy-tale castles and iconic sites, golden sands, quirky fishing villages and majestic countryside; here are just some of the Instagrammable places you’ve got to visit and photos you’ve just got to take in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire:
Local Hero is a 1983 Scottish comedy-drama film written and directed by Bill Forsyth and starring Peter Riegert, Denis Lawson, Peter Capaldi, Fulton Mackay and Burt Lancaster. Produced by David Puttnam, the film is about an American oil company representative who is sent to the fictional village of Ferness, to purchase the town and surrounding property for his company. Most of the Ferness village scenes was filmed at Pennan, 40 miles north of Aberdeen, while the beach scenes at Morar and Arisaig on the West Coast.
For his work on the film, Forsyth won the 1984 BAFTA Award for Best Direction.
Local Hero Wikipedia Page
Forget about Brigadoon and Whisky Galore, forget about Trainspotting (and certainly forget about Braveheart!), this is indisputably the best Scottish film ever made. Starring Peter Riegert, Burt Lancaster, Wedge Antilles, the Twelfth Doctor and just about every Scottish actor alive in the 1980s, the film is just fantastic.
It has also got an incredible film score written by Mark Knopfler.
The Museum of Scottish Lighthouses is based in the bustling fishing port of Fraserburgh on the North East corner of Aberdeenshire. It’s all here; Kinnaird Head Lighthouse – the very first lighthouse on mainland Scotland (1787), Kinnaird Head Castle containing the lighthouse and the purpose-built museum alongside.
Museum of Scottish Lighthouses
The museum tells the great story of the Northern Lighthouse Board, the engineers who built the lights and the keepers who tended them.
It is a story of skill, courage, technical genius and brilliant organisation.
The Kinnaird Head Lighthouse and Museum at Historic Environment Scotland