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For Reviewers

Reviewer sign-up

ITiCSE uses a community reviewing process, and we encourage you to participate. New reviewers are always welcome, and reviewing is an excellent way to contribute to the conference and help ensure a strong and diverse program. If you have not already received an invitation from EasyChair, we invite you to sign up to be a reviewer this year. Just fill out this form to sign up as a volunteer.

Reviewer signup form

(The review process for full papers is now under way, but people are still welcome to sign up to review posters and TT&C submissions.)

While anyone is welcome to volunteer for the role of associate program chair (APC), preference will typically be given to nominees who have experience as ITiCSE reviewers.

Thank you for serving in this important community support role!

Schedule for paper review

For more information on the roles of reviewer and APC for papers, please see Paper review process.

Mon 17 Jan – Sun 23 Jan: reviewers and APCs bid on submissions
Mon 24 Jan – Wed 26 Jan: pre-processing of paper submissions
Thu 27 Jan – Sun 13 Feb (2.5 weeks): reviewers review, APCs watch and prepare
Mon 14 Feb – Wed 23 Feb (10 days): reviewers and APCs discuss reviews, reviewers possibly revise reviews, APCs write metareviews
Thu 24 Feb – Sun 6 Mar (11 days): program chairs make decisions
Mon 7 Mar: notifications sent

Schedule for poster and TT&C review

For more information on the role of reviewer for posters or for tips, techniques, and courseware, please see Review process for poster and TT&C submissions.

Wed 16 Mar – Wed 30 Mar (2 weeks): reviewers review and discuss, track chairs watch and prepare
Thu 31 Mar – Sun 3 Apr (4 days): track chairs make decisions, with further discussion if required
Mon 4 Apr: notifications sent


If you have questions about matters related to reviewing, please contact the program co-chairs, the poster chairs, or the tips, techniques, and courseware track chairs.