To set norms for the conference activities, the following code of conduct applies:
- All policies in the ACM Policy Against Harassment. Please read the policy in full, but here’s the short version:
- Be respectful
- No harassment, discrimination, or abuse of any kind
- Be mindful of how others are being treated
- Alert the organizers if you see a problem
- Please also see the Dignity & Respect at UCD webpage.
In addition, we expect all attendees to:
- Avoid comments that reinforce social structures of domination (such as those related to gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion).
- Respect people’s names and pronouns when addressing them. Using someone’s correct personal pronouns is a way to respect them and create an inclusive environment, just as using a person’s name can be a way to respect them:
- We encourage you to add your pronouns (They/them, She/her, He/him, etc.).
- In all social interactions, before engaging, to introduce themselves. This helps us build our community; if we skip this step, it only supports existing relationships, rather than fostering new ones.
Behavior such as the following will constitute grounds for actions against:
- Abusive action directed at an individual, such as threats, intimidation, or bullying
- Racism, homophobia, and other behavior that discriminates against a group or class of people
- Sexual harassment of any kind, such as unwelcome sexual advances or words/actions of a sexual nature
If you are involved in or witness any such incident, or if you are made uncomfortable, or you see someone else being made uncomfortable, please inform the event organizers (Brett Becker and Keith Quille, or the Diversity Chair, Catherine Mooney ( More information is available here: Reporting Unacceptable Behavior at ACM Activities.
Visitors to UCD can report anonymously through the UCD Report and Support tool ( and access information about the supports that are available and learn about the informal and formal options for resolution, including making a formal complaint.
This code of conduct is not exhaustive or final, it can be updated by the conference chairs at any time.
Many thanks to the ICER 2021 organizing committee for their Code of Conduct, on which this was based.