Important Dates for Panels

Submission deadline8 March
Notification30 March
ITiCSE 202015 – 19 June

Contact panels track chairs,, for further information.

What is a panel session?

Panel sessions provide an opportunity for expert panel members to present their views on a specific topic and then to discuss these views among themselves and with the audience. Usually, a panel session starts with a brief introduction of the panel topic and the participants, followed by short presentations by the panelists giving their views. They are scheduled in standard conference spaces. The 90-minute session must allow sufficient opportunity (at least 30 minutes) for an interactive question and answer period involving both the panelists and the audience.

A typical panel will consist of four participants, including the moderator. Limiting a panel to four participants allows sufficient time for audience questions. Proposals with more than four panelists must convincingly show that all panelists will be able to speak, and the audience able to respond, within the session time.

Panel proposal review is NOT blind. Proposals will be reviewed by the panel chairs, considering the likely level of interest in the topic, the inclusion of panel members with multiple perspectives on the topic, and the likelihood that the panel will leave sufficient time for audience participation.

If the proposal is accepted, all presenters listed in the panel description will be required to register for the conference and to participate in the session. See ITiCSE 2020 policies.

Formatting the proposal

The proposal is limited to two pages and must adhere to ACM’s publication guidelines. For more detail, see Formatting requirements on the Call for Participation page.

The following modifications and exceptions apply:

  • When providing author information, indicate which of the panelists is the moderator by placing the word “Moderator” in parentheses after her/his name.
  • Do not include an abstract. Instead, the first section should be headed Summary and should provide a summary of the panel as written by the moderator.
  • Subsequent sections should contain the position statements of each panelist. The heading of each section should identify its author.
  • References are encouraged where appropriate, but are not required. If they are included, they should be placed in a separate section headed References and should follow the formatting guidelines.

If accepted, the panel description will be allocated two pages in the conference proceedings and must adhere to the formatting requirements specified above. To facilitate the transition from proposal to camera-ready copy, it is critical that authors adhere closely to the formatting specifications and page limits.

Submitting a panel proposal

Write your submission using the format specified above.

Convert your paper into Adobe PDF format.

Follow the instructions on Submission process at the foot of the Call for Participation page.


If you have questions about anything discussed above, please contact the panel chairs,
