ITiCSE 2020 offers three general levels of sponsorship (Bronze, Silver, and Gold) as well as Platinum Sponsorship, called Supporters. Each package can be extended to adapt to your needs. Please contact michailg at ntnu [dot] no with any queries.
GOLD Supporters 5000 Euro
- You will get 3 complimentary registrations for people from your company to attend the conference.
- Your company (with logo and URL) will be listed as a Gold Supporter in all conference announcements, on the advance program, and on the conference web page.
- We will acknowledge your company’s contribution and offer thanks at the opening and closing sessions of the conference.
- You will have the opportunity to include material and give-away with the conference material for each attendee.
- You get the opportunity to showcase promotional material in a booth during the conference days.
SILVER Supporters 3000 Euro
- You will get 2 complimentary registrations for people from your company to attend the conference.
- Your company (with logo and URL) will be listed as a Silver Supporter in all conference announcements, on the advance program, and on the conference web page.
- We will acknowledge your company’s contribution and offer thanks at the opening and closing sessions of the conference.
- You will have the opportunity to include material and give-away with the conference material for each attendee.
- You get the opportunity to showcase promotional material in a booth during all conference days.
BRONZE Supporters 1500 Euro
- You will get 1 free registration for a person from your company to attend the conference.
- Your company (with logo and URL) will be listed as a Bronze Supporter in all conference announcements, on the advance program, and on the conference web page.
- We will acknowledge your company’s contribution and offer thanks at the opening and closing sessions of the conference.
- You will have the opportunity to include material and give-away with the conference material for each attendee.
You would get the Platinum Level of sponsorship for an Event Sponsorship and naming rights on the event. The events available are two receptions, lunches and coffee breaks and student reception. The price of events vary, but generally exceeds the Gold level of sponsorship.