ITiCSE Presenter Information 

This page provides information for ITiCSE conference presenters, in addition to general information provided at the ITiCSE attendee information page. Please read it carefully and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Session and presentation format
  • LIVESTREAM: Several presentations will be live-streamed
  • PRE-RECORDED PRESENTATIONS: The presentations from authors who have chosen not to present via live stream will be available for on-demand access on Moodle.
  • ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATION: Authors who have chosen not to present via live stream or to prepare a pre-recorded presentation will be available during the conference to provide feedback for their conference papers via the discussion forums and chat options.
  • SESSION ORGANISATION: At the start of each session, all session attendees will enter the Zoom room, and the session will start. The session chair will ask the first presenter to share their screen and video, and then after a short introduction, the first presentation will begin. The same process will repeat for all presentations.
  • Q&A DISCUSSION: At the end of your presentation, the remaining time will be used for Q&A discussion. It is advisable that attendees write their questions in the Q&A functionality, which can be voted up from other participants and then be read out loud by the session chair. We suggest you allocate 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q&A, to enable discussion and participant engagement.
Joining session as a presenter
  • JOIN EARLY: All conference sessions will open 30 minutes before their start time for presenters and session chairs. As a presenter, you are expected to come AT LEAST 15 MIN BEFORE the session starts to test your microphone/camera setup, to ensure that sessions will run smoothly.
  • ZOOM URLs: To join a session as a presenter, you will receive an EMAIL INVITATION with a special link to enter the Zoom room as a ‘panelist’ (Zoom name for presenters). DO NOT USE ZOOM URLs from the conference schedule page; those are for attendees, not presenters. You will receive these email invitations some 24hrs before the start of the conference.
  • PRESENT WITH A CO-AUTHOR: In case you want your co-author (who is also registered for ITiCSE 2020) to be a co-presenter or participate in the Q&A session, please let us know and we will add your colleague as another presenter. In that case, they will also need to join the session via the link in their email.
