ITiCSE Attendees

This page provides information for ITiCSE attendees. Please read it carefully and let us know if you have any questions or concerns. There is a separate page with instructions for presenters.

Conference platforms
  • ZOOM: The main platform for the conference will be Zoom. If you do not have Zoom installed already, you will need to go to download the Zoom Client for Meetings software for your operating system and create an account (use the same email with the one you will register to the conference). Please make sure to start the software at least once and create an account before the conference, and start Zoom again shortly before the conference to check for updates. This will save time during the actual conference.
  • Virtual Space: In addition to the Zoom platform, we will extensively use ITiCSE 2020 Moodle space. To access attendee information on the Moodle space, you will need to login using the email you used during your registration. 
Conference program
  • PROGRAM TRACKS: The conference program is structured into two parallel tracks with sessions of 4-5 presentations, moderated by a session chair.
  • PROGRAM START TIME: The conference program will start at 9:00 AM Central European Time on Wednesday, June 17 and 10:00 am CET on Thursday, June 18. The presentation slots have been set in such a way that people from different time zones can attend at least some of the sessions.
  • PRESENTATION TIME: Due to timing issues, each presentation has been allocated a total of 15 minutes including discussions. In addition, there are presentations of papers where the authors preferred to provide a prerecorded video or just the paper itself. In any case, the authors of the papers will be available for asynchronous communication during the conference (e.g., participate in the forums, respond to messages).
  • PRESENTATION Q&A: During Q&A, you can post questions to presenters in the Q&A window, and a session chair will read those questions to the presenter.
  • PRESENTATION RECORDINGS: For the conference presentations whose authors consent for them to be recorded, we will make them available to the registered conference delegates so they can watch the presentations they have missed. After 90 days, the presentations will be uploaded to a Youtube Channel.
  • PROCEEDINGS: As a registered participant, you have also received a link to download a free copy of ITiCSE proceedings. You can also download the proceedings by the ACM DL, since it offers free access until the end of June. 
Joining sessions
  • JOINING SESSIONS: Each conference session (including opening/closing and announcement sessions) will have a unique Zoom URL shown in the conference program once you log into the website.
  • AUDIO/VIDEO: If you are not a presenter, your microphone and camera will be turned off, and you will not be able to turn them on. This setting was chosen to save bandwidth and to avoid echoes and other feedback noises.
Posters & TT&Cs
  • POSTERS & TTCs: All posters and TT&Cs will be available for viewing by registered participants in Moodle. All registered participants will also be invited to vote for Best Poster and Best TT&C. More information on viewing and voting will become available soon. You can vote until June 18 16:30 CET, and best poster and TT&C winners will be announced at the conference closing session.
  • Poster Q&A sessions are held in a Zoom room for each Poster. The Posters are presented in a PDF format in Moodle. The author(s) are asked for a 30sec Lightning Talk as a pre-recorded video that is added to the Poster.
  • TT&C are either live, pre-recorded or without presentation. The live talks are 5min talk + 5min Q&A. All others are allocated 5min Q&A. 
Social interactions
  • DISCUSSIONS: To enable the communication and discussion among conference participants, we will use discussion boards on the Moodle space.
  • GROUP CHAT ROOMS: Besides the Zoom rooms for the main two conference tracks, there will be a permanent Zoom room, open 24hrs so that you can chat with other conference attendees, test your audio/video setup, etc. This room will not be recorded or censored, and everyone will be able to use video/audio and share their screens.
