Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in my registration fee? The registration fees include attendance at the conference, refreshments/lunches, a delegate pack (including the programme, maps etc) as well as the Conference Banquet (Thursday evening).  Please remember to select any extras you wish to attend when registering otherwise it will be presumed you will not go.

I still haven’t received my registration acknowledgement, invoice, or Joining Instructions SPAM – Please ensure the emails have not gone into your spam folder.  Please also ensure that the email address is known as a safe sender on your computer.

Acknowledgements: Online store registrations will automatically receive an acknowledgement once the transaction has been completed.

Joining Instructions: usually sent out around ~3 weeks prior to the conference. This email will include details of venues being used, maps, where to check in, etc.

When will I receive my invoice? You will receive an acknowledgement email to your registered email address, and your registration will be processed by the order it is received, and you will be invoiced in due course.

I need to apply for a Visa. 

Apply for visa here (or check if you can visit without visa):

Can you please send me an invitation letter? 

ACM is able to provide visa support letters to attendees as well as authors with accepted papers, posters and other contributions or members of the conference committee.

For visa support letters, refer all requests to Those requesting a letter should allow up to one week to receive it.

All requests are handled in the order they are received. The information below should be included with the request:

  • Name (as it appears on attendee’s passport) and mailing address
  • The name of the conference attendees is registering for
  • Attendee’s registration confirmation number
  • Authors may indicate their paper title. Speakers can provide the title of their talk.
  • Include a fax number or email address of where letter can be sent

If an attendee requests a letter from the organizers (some embassies might require one), please contact your Conference Operations Liaison for a support letter template.

ACM does not provide letters for transport of vendor or presenter equipment. ACM suggests shipping the materials insured to the conference facility.

How do I get from Trondheim International Airport to the Conference venue? We will answer this well before you need to know.

My hotel is in the city centre, what is the best method of transportation in and around Trondheim? Further details on getting around Trondheim can be found on the Travel page.

What is the dress code? The dress code for the conference will be smart/casual.  The dress code for the Conference Banquet is usually smart (some may even wear their Bunad!).

Is there free wifi at the Conference venue? 

There is Eduroam available, for visitors who cannot use Eduroam, there is wifi called “NTNU guest”.
