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Call for Participation

Participate in ITiCSE 2025!

We warmly invite colleagues from around the world to present their work through the submission of papers, working groups, panels, posters, and tips, techniques, & courseware. The conference provides an environment for sharing, exchanging, and discussing new ideas related to computing education, at all levels of instruction. ITiCSE will also host a doctoral consortium.

ITiCSE 2025 will be an in-person conference. There will not be facilities for either presenters or audience to attend virtually. In line with SIGCSE conference policy, at least one author of each paper, poster, and tips, techniques, & courseware, and all members of working groups, panels, and the doctoral consortium, are required to attend the conference and to present and discuss their contribution.

Each type of submission is described briefly on this page, and in more detail on its own page.


As a published ACM author, you and your co-authors are subject to all ACM Publications policies (, including the policy on research involving human participants and subjects ( Please also review the ACM authorship policy (

See the ITiCSE policies page ( for more information on these and other relevant policies.

Ethical status of data collection

Any submission that makes use of data from human participants (including student surveys, class results, educator interviews, published data sets, etc) must clearly indicate whether approval has been granted for the use of that data, by what authority (respecting anonymity in the version submitted for review), and what the approval covers. If the work includes any data from human participants that has not been granted approval, that should be clearly explained.


Submission deadlines and page limits

PagesAbstract deadline*Full deadline
Paper*6 pages plus 1 page for references if required12 January*19 January
Working group2 pagesNA19 January
Panel2 pagesNA9 March
Poster1 pageNA9 March
Doctoral Consortium2 pagesNA9 March
Tips, techniques, & courseware2 pagesNA9 March
* Paper submission requires a mandatory submission of an abstract of up to 250 words by an earlier deadline.

Submissions to ITiCSE address aspects of computing education, that is, the education of students who are studying computing. ITiCSE generally does not accept papers about applications of computing technology in education generally or in other specific areas of education, such as the development of software to make it easier for students to learn chemistry.

Submissions in the Paper category are to be anonymous, for dual-anonymous review. Anonymity is not required for any of the other submission types.

Call for submissions

Submissions may describe an educational research project, classroom experience, teaching technique, curricular initiative, or a tool used for computing education or computing education research.

Within the domain of computing education, submissions will cover specific educational subject matter, including but not limited to:

  • pedagogies for enhancing learning in computing subject areas, such as programming, database systems, physical computing, or computer security;
  • leveraging data and analytics to improve learning;
  • use of technologies with specific application to computing education;
  • approaches to peer learning and novel educational methods;
  • social and global challenges in computing education;
  • broadening participation and diversity;
  • developing, implementing, or evaluating computing programs, curricula, and courses;
  • approaches to group work or class infrastructure;
  • teacher skills, teacher education, and teacher professional development.

Call for papers

An ITiCSE paper is a document up to six pages long, with a seventh page available for references if required. Submissions will fall into one of three categories, each having a dedicated submission track with specific expectations for papers in that track.

  • Computing education research: papers that define research questions, describe the data gathering and the methods used to address the questions, present the results, and discuss the contribution to knowledge about the teaching and learning of computing;
  • Experience reports and tools: papers that describe computing education experiences, including tools that have been developed for use in computing education, in sufficient detail for others to see whether their use was beneficial and to be able to adopt them if required;
  • Position papers and proposals: papers articulating original and well-argued positions on aspects of computing education, or proposals for work that is in its early stages.

The submission deadline for abstracts is one week before the final submission. It will not be possible to submit a paper if the abstract is not submitted by the abstract submission deadline.

For more detail see the Papers page, and the submission details at the bottom of this page.

Call for working groups

An ITiCSE working group is an intense collaboration between five to ten researchers from around the world to produce a high-value report on a topic of interest in computing education. The work is conducted remotely before and after the conference, and in person for the three days immediately preceding the conference itself. The working group report is subjected to rigorous review. Accepted working group reports are published well after the main conference proceedings. A working group begins with a proposal by up to three leaders. The proposals are reviewed by the working group chairs, who decide which proposals can proceed to recruit members.

For more details see the Working groups page, and the submission details at the bottom of this page.

Call for panels

A panel is a discussion among nominated panelists on a specified topic, typically occupying a 60-minute session, with at least a third of that time allocated for audience participation. A panel submission is a two-page document including a succinct summary of the different perspectives of the proposed participants, in a form suitable for inclusion in the proceedings. The submission must include the authors’ names.

For more detail see the Panels page, and the submission details at the bottom of this page.

Call for posters

A submission for a poster is a one-page paper. It is expected that this will include title, authors, abstract and keywords, with the rest of the page consisting of an extended abstract. The nature of the content will vary from poster to poster, but is expected to describe the main topic of the poster and to include references as appropriate. The submission must include the authors’ names.

For more detail see the Posters page, and the submission details at the bottom of this page.

Call for tips, techniques, and courseware

A two-page submission for tips, techniques, and courseware will be a summary description of a tip, technique, or courseware to be demonstrated in a conference session. It will be in a form suitable for inclusion in the proceedings. The submission must include authors’ names.

For more detail see the Tips, techniques, and courseware page, and the submission details at the bottom of this page.

Call for doctoral consortium participation

The doctoral consortium provides an opportunity for doctoral candidates studying computing education to explore and develop their research interests in a workshop environment with a panel of established researchers in the field. This is an excellent opportunity to get feedback on a research topic, or ideas on future direction, from senior researchers in the field.

For more detail see the Doctoral Consortium page, and the submission details at the bottom of this page.

General submission details

Be sure that your submissions abide by the ACM Conflict of Interest Policy.

Be sure when making a submission to EasyChair submission platform that all authors are included. The ACM and ITiCSE are not generally receptive to changes in the author list once a submission has been accepted.

Documents submitted for review should be high quality, unpublished, original work. The official language of the conference is English, and submissions for review should be written in good academic English. The entire proceedings will be available in the ACM Digital Library.

Note that reviewers will assume they are reviewing completed works, as they will eventually appear in the conference proceedings. Do not submit incomplete drafts!

Page limits and deadlines for submissions are dependent upon the category of submission.

Electronic submission is required. All submissions must be PDF files. Where anonymous submissions are required, please check the settings of your converter so it does not inadvertently include your name and affiliation in the PDF file.

Formatting requirements

All submissions must adhere to the ITiCSE 2025 formatting instructions. Templates for submissions can be found at the ACM SIG Proceedings website.

The proceedings page incorporates two different approaches: the existing templates and the new workflow model. Please note that the new workflow model is “for specified conferences only” and ITiCSE 2025 is not one of the specified conferences. Submitting authors are required to use the existing templates: for Word authors, the ‘Interim template’; for LaTeX authors, acmart.cls version 2.00 as updated in November 2023, or a more recent update if provided, with the sigconf option. A LaTeX template can also be found on Overleaf. If you find that the template is producing a single-column format, it is likely that you are not using the sigconf option. A command near the beginning of your file should read \documentclass[sigconf]{acmart}

The interim Word template is not generally considered easy to use, and it can be difficult to coerce it to produce a paper that conforms to the requirements. Authors who use Microsoft Word should be prepared for a significant challenge in getting an accepted paper to conform with the requirements ready for inclusion in the proceedings. Some authors have decided that it is easier to (re)learn LaTeX and use the LaTeX template on Overleaf than to fight with the Word template.

The template permits various forms of draft document. Please do not use a form that overlaps a watermark with the text of the paper, as this makes the text very difficult for some people to read. In addition, if you use any form other than the expected two-column format, you will still be expected to conform with the specified page limits, as we have no clear way of estimating the properly formatted size of a submission that is not formatted as specified.

Submission process

Caution: Submitting the paper abstract is not as simple as uploading a file and clicking ‘Submit’. The review process requires a great deal of information in order to ensure that your submission receives the best possible review, and that information is gathered at the time of first submission. Authors are advised to allow at least half an hour when first submitting the paper.

If submitting a full paper, think carefully about which of the three tracks it belongs in. There is no process for shifting submissions between tracks: submissions will be reviewed by the guidelines of the track to which they are submitted, and if they do not fit well in that track, they are unlikely to be favourably reviewed.

Before making a submission, please be ready with the email addresses of all co-authors; when making the submission, please take particular care when entering the addresses. Email addresses are required, and every invalid email address — even for a non-corresponding author — generates a bounce message sent to the ITiCSE chairs. Please take the time to avoid this.

To submit your work, follow the link to the EasyChair submission page:
(EasyChair will be opened in the beginning of December)

If you don’t already have an account, you will be prompted to create one. After logging in, you will find a submission form that requires you to enter the type, title, and abstract of your submission, plus contact information for all authors. The PDF file may be uploaded at the same time, or later. Both the information and the file may be updated at any time until the submission deadline.

You and all of your co-authors will receive email messages confirming the submission. Spam filters sometimes trap these automatically generated messages, so you may need to check your spam trap for confirmation and for any subsequent emails, including your notification of acceptance or rejection.

AUTHORS TAKE NOTE: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of your conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work. (For those rare conferences whose proceedings are published in the ACM Digital Library after the conference is over, the official publication date remains the first day of the conference.)