Detailed program (with rooms and a map) in printable form (last updated July 4th)
Program overview

Monday 8th July
Registration : 08:00 — 09.00 |
Opening Session : 09.00 — 09.30 | Keynote : 09.30 — 10.30: Teaching programming in the age of generative AI – Simone Martini |
Coffee break : 10.30 — 11.00 | Session 1𝛼 11.00 — 12.40: Generative AI – perspectives (Session chair: Åsa Cajander) ; |
Early Adoption of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Computing Education: Emergent Student Use Cases and Perspectives in 2023 ; C. Estelle Smith, Kylee Shiekh, Hayden Cooreman, Sharfi Rahman, Yifei Zhu, Md Kamrul Siam, Michael Ivanitskiy, Ahmed M. Ahmed, Michael Hallinan, Alexander Grisak and Gabe Fierro |
Guidelines for the Evolving Role of Generative AI in Introductory Programming Based on Emerging Practice ; Joyce Mahon, Brett A. Becker and Brian MacNamee |
AI-Grading Standup Updates to Improve Project-Based Learning Outcomes ; Tyler Menezes |
Artificial Intelligence in Everyday Life 2.0: Educating University Students from Different Majors ; Maria Kasinidou, Styliani Kleanthous, Matteo Busso, Marcelo Rodas, Jahna Otterbacher and Fausto Giunchiglia |
Session 1𝛽 11.00 — 12.40: Feedback (Session chair: Lina Battestilli) ; |
Feedback-Generation for Programming Exercises With GPT-4 ; Imen Azaiz, Natalie Kiesler and Sven Strickroth |
Let Them Try to Figure It Out First – Reasons Why Experts (Do Not) Provide Feedback to Novice Programmers ; Dominic Lohr, Natalie Kiesler, Hieke Keuning and Johan Jeuring |
Iterative Student Program Planning using Transformer-Driven Feedback ; Elijah Rivera, Alexander Steinmaurer, Kathi Fisler and Shriram Krishnamurthi |
Open Source Language Models Can Provide Feedback: Evaluating LLMs’ Ability to Help Students Using GPT-4-As-A-Judge ; Charles Koutcheme, Nicola Dainese, Sami Sarsa, Arto Hellas, Juho Leinonen and Paul Denny |
Session 1𝛾 11.00 — 12.40: Code quality (Session chair: Jürgen Börstler) ; |
Catalog of Code Quality Defects in Introductory Programming ; Anna Řechtáčková, Radek Pelánek and Tomáš Effenberger |
Embedded-check a Code Quality Tool for Automatic Firmware Verification ; Rafael Corsi Ferrão, Igor dos Santos Montagner, Mariana Silva, Craig Zilles and Rodolfo Jardim de Azevedo |
Asking Students to Refactor their Code: A Simple and Valuable Exercise ; Cruz Izu and Claudio Mirolo |
Are a Static Analysis Tool Study’s Findings Static? A Replication ; David Liu, Jonathan Calver and Michelle Craig |
Session 1𝛿 11.00 — 12.40: Errors and testing (Session chair: Tobias Kohn) ; |
Comparison of Three Programming Error Measures for Explaining Variability in CS1 Grades ; Valdemar Švábenský, Maciej Pankiewicz, Jiayi Zhang, Elizabeth B. Cloude, Ryan S. Baker and Eric Fouh |
Navigating Compiler Errors with AI Assistance: A Study of GPT Hints in an Introductory Programming Course ; Maciej Pankiewicz and Ryan Shaun Baker |
Combining Local Testing with Automatic Commits: Benefits for Progress Tracking and CS2 Students’ Learning Experience ; Aleksandar Karakaš and Denis Helic |
Insights from the Field: Exploring Students’ Perspectives on Bad Unit Testing Practices ; Anthony Peruma, Eman Abdullah Alomar, Wajdi Aljedaani, Christian Newman and Mohamed Wiem Mkaouer |
Session 1𝜀 11.00 — 12.40: Tips, Techniques and Courseware (Session chair: Ethel Tshukudu) ; |
Automated Evaluation of Games programmed in Computer Science Assessments ; Dieter Meiller, Michael Wiehl and Lucia Bäuml |
Active Repos: Integrating Generative AI Workflows into GitHub ; Richard Glassey and Alexander Baltatzis |
Pytch – Supporting your teaching of coding in classroom ; Glenn Strong, Ben North, Sara Fiori, Duncan Wallace, Nina Bresnihan and Brian Gillespie |
Parsons Problems for Professional Learners ; Geela Venise Fabic Chee, Arzoo Atiq, Alex Zable, Josh Burridge and Sadia Nawaz |
Explaining Algorithms with the Visual Programming Language Algot ; Sverrir Thorgeirsson and Oliver Graf |
Lunch : 12.40 — 14.20 |
Session 2𝛼 14.20 — 15.10: Panel: Computer Science Curricula 2023 (CS2023): Rising to the Challenges of Change in AI, Security, and Society ; Sherif Aly, Brett Becker, Amruth Kumar and Rajendra K. Raj |
Session 2𝛽 14.20 — 15.10: Recursion (Session chair: Max Fowler) ; |
“Like a Nesting Doll”: Analyzing Recursion Analogies Generated by CS Students Using Large Language Models ; Seth Bernstein, Paul Denny, Juho Leinonen, Lauren Kan, Arto Hellas, Matt Littlefield, Sami Sarsa and Stephen MacNeil |
Why Is Recursion Hard to Comprehend? An Experiment with Experienced Programmers in Python ; Aviad Baron and Dror Feitelson |
Session 2𝛾 14.20 — 15.10: Computing in schools 1 (Session chair: Jane Waite) ; |
Experimental Analysis of First-Grade Students’ Block-Based Programming Problem Solving Processes ; Gabriele Pozzan, Costanza Padova, Chiara Montuori, Tullio Vardanega and Barbara Arfé |
Experiences Trialling a Novel Block-to-text Environment in a Summer School Context ; Glenn Strong, Ben North, Brian Gillespie, Sara Fiori, Duncan Wallace and Nina Bresnihan |
Session 2𝛿 14.20 — 15.10: Teaching (Session chair: Michael T. Rücke) ; |
Grasping the Unseen: TA Insights into Teaching Subtle Concepts in Computer Science ; Pontus Haglund, Linda Mannila, Aseel Berglund and Filip Strömbäck |
Classification of Shared Tasks Used in Teaching ; Theresa Elstner, Bärbel Hanle, Frank Loebe, Maik Fröbe, Nikolay Kolyada, Janis Mohr, Jörg Frochte, Sven Hofmann, Benno Stein and Martin Potthast |
Session 2𝜀 14.20 — 15.10: Sponsor session (Session chair: Bedour Alshaigy) ; |
Teach your course on GitHub with GitHub Classroom and GitHub Copilot
Participants will learn how to leverage GitHub Copilot to help create course materials, and use GitHub Classroom to automate the distribution, collection, and grading of student assignments on GitHub. |
Break : 15.10 – Poster Session 1 — 15.30 |
Session 3𝛼 15.30 — 16.45: Computing in schools 2 (Session chair: Juho Leinonen) ; |
Feedback Literacy: Holistic Analysis of Secondary Educators’ Views of LLM Explanations of Program Error Messages ; Veronica Cucuiat and Jane Waite |
“Something that Happens Each Day” – Students’ Explanations of What Algorithms Are ; Martina Landman and Tobias Kohn |
Big Ideas of Cryptography in Primary School ; Michael Lodi, Maria Cristina Carrisi and Simone Martini |
Session 3𝛽 15.30 — 16.45: Assessment and autograding (Session chair: Jonathan Calver) ; |
Code Generation Based Grading: Evaluating an Auto-grading Mechanism for “Explain-in-Plain-English” Questions ; David Smith and Craig Zilles |
Quickly Producing “Isomorphic” Exercises: Quantifying the Impact of Programming Question Permutations ; Max Fowler, David Smith and Craig Zilles |
A Comparison of Proctoring Regimens for Computer-Based Computer Science Exams ; Chinedu Emeka, Mariana Silva, Matthew West and Craig Zilles |
Session 3𝛾 15.30 — 16.45: Cybersecurity 1 (Session chair: Leo Porter) ; | Research and Practice of Delivering Tabletop Exercises ; Jan Vykopal, Pavel Čeleda, Valdemar Švábenský, Martin Hofbauer and Martin Horák |
From Paper to Platform: Evolution of a Novel Learning Environment for Tabletop Exercises ; Valdemar Švábenský, Jan Vykopal, Martin Horák, Martin Hofbauer and Pavel Čeleda |
Using Real-world Bug Bounty Programs in Secure Coding Course: Experience Report ; Kamil Malinka, Anton Firc, Pavel Loutocký, Jakub Vostoupal, Andrej Krištofík and František Kasl |
Session 3𝛿 15.30 — 16.45: Computer science theory (Session chair: Stan Kurkovsky) ; |
Redux: An Interactive, Dynamic Knowledge Base for Teaching NP-completeness ; Kaden Marchetti, Andrija Sevaljevic, Alex Diviney, Russell Phillips, Caleb Eardley, Rajiv Khadka, Daniel Igbokwe and Paul Bodily |
Nondeterministic to Deterministic Finite-State Machine Visualization ; Tijana Minić and Marco T. Morazan |
FSM Builder: A Tool for Writing Autograded Finite Automata Questions ; Eliot Robson, Sam Ruggerio and Jeff Erickson |
Session 3𝜀 15.30 — 16.45: Databases (Session chair: Rajendra K. Raj) ; |
Teaching Multiple Data Models and Query Languages ; Jens Ehlers |
Building Blocks Towards More Effective SQL Error Messages ; Toni Taipalus and Hilkka Grahn |
Enhancing Feedback Generation for Autograded SQL Statements to Improve Student Learning ; Carsten Kleiner and Felix Heine |
16.50 — 17.50: Concert |
18.00 — 19.00: Reception |
Tuesday 9th July
Session 4𝛼 09.00 — 10.40: Generative AI – programming (Session chair: Andrew Luxton-Reilly) ; |
Self-Regulation, Self-Efficacy, and Fear of Failure Interactions with How Novices Use LLMs to Solve Programming Problems ; Lauren Margulieux, James Prather, Brent Reeves, Brett Becker, Gozde Cetin Uzun, Dastyni Loksa, Juho Leinonen and Paul Denny |
Explaining Code with a Purpose: An Integrated Approach for Developing Code Comprehension and Prompting Skills ; Paul Denny, David Smith, Max Fowler, James Prather, Brett Becker and Juho Leinonen |
Performance, Workload, Emotion, and Self-Efficacy of Novice Programmers Using AI Code Generation ; Nicholas Gardella, Raymond Pettit and Sara Riggs |
CS1-LLM: Integrating LLMs into CS1 Instruction ; Annapurna Vadaparty, Daniel Zingaro, David Smith, Mounika Padala, Christine Alvarado, Jamie Gorson Benario and Leo Porter |
Session 4𝛽 09.00 — 10.40: EDI (Session chair: Rebecca Robinson) ; |
Broadening Computing Participation in the Navajo Nation ; Ashish Amresh, Jeffrey Hovermill, Wei Yan and Paige Prescott |
Competency and Equity Driven Grading System for Computer Science Curriculum ; Benjamin Fine |
“You don’t see too many of me, too many of us, in that area”: Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities of Promoting STEM Education among Black and Latinx Students ; Isabella Lopez and Sanorita Dey |
Generation and Evaluation of a Culturally-Relevant CS1 Textbook for Latines using Large Language Models ; Ismael Villegas Molina, Audria Montalvo, Shera Zhong, Mollie Jordan and Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj |
Session 4𝛾 09.00 — 10.40: Professional skills (Session chair: Mats Daniels) ; |
Early Computer Science Students’ Perspectives Towards The Importance Of Writing ; Rutwa Engineer, Naaz Sibia, Michael Kaler, Bogdan Simion and Lisa Zhang |
Student Perceptions of Computer Science as a Profession ; Stacy Doore, Qingyi Cao and Cynthia Zafiris |
Embedding Technical, Personal and Professional Competencies in Computing Degree Programmes ; Tom Crick, James H. Davenport, Tom Prickett, Alan Hayes, Alastair Irons and David Bowers |
Students’ Perceptions of Behaviors Associated with Professional Dispositions in Computing Education ; Natalie Kiesler, Bonnie Mackellar, Renée McCauley, Mihaela Sabin, Amruth Kumar and John Impagliazzo |
Session 4𝛿 09.00 — 10.40: Plagiarism (Session chair: Michael Liut) ; |
Semantic Similarity Search for Source Code Plagiarism Detection: An Exploratory Study ; Fahad Ebrahim and Mike Joy |
ChatGPT and Cheat Detection in CS1 Using a Program Autograding System ; Ashley Pang and Frank Vahid |
Performance Analysis and Interviews of Non-CS-Major Students Sanctioned for Cheating in CS1 ; Ashley Pang and Frank Vahid |
Style Anomalies Can Suggest Cheating in CS1 Programs ; Benjamin Denzler, Ashley Pang, Mariam Salloum and Frank Vahid |
Session 4𝜀 09.00 — 10.40: DC Lightning talks (Session chair: Steve Cooper & Valentina Dagienė) ; |
Educators as Stakeholders within Adaptive Learning ; Nawaf Alajlani |
Developing Automatic Methods for Teaching Code Quality in Introductory Programming ; Anna Řechtáčková |
Towards Better Design and Delivery of SE Team Project Courses ; Nayla Nasir |
Improving Dropout Prediction for Informatics Bachelor Students ; Bettina Manuela Johanna Kern |
Towards the Integration of Large Language Models in an Object-Oriented Programming Course ; Bruno Pereira Cipriano |
Improving Computing Higher Education in Prisons ; Emma Hogan |
Integrating Sustainability Cases in Higher Computing Education ; Bashira Jaradat |
A Learning Theory of Programming Language Acquisition ; David Zabner |
A Proposal to Test a Strategy of Interdisciplinary Transfer between Algebra and Computer Science for Self-Efficacy, Optimized Cognitive Load, and Conceptual Understanding ; Noah Cowit |
Empowering black women in computing: fostering inclusion and belonging through virtual communities ; Luce-Melissa Kouaho |
A mental leap: Impact of Teaching the Math behind Machine Learning Techniques in K-12 ; Lukas Lehner |
Meaningful Highlighting – Improving Educational IDEs to Enhance Code Comprehension for Programming Novices ; Annika Vielsack |
Teaching Cyber Security to High-School Students ; Sven Grübel |
Teaching Programming through Multi-Context Physical Computing ; Alexandra Maximova |
Coffee break : 10.40 – DC Posters — 11.25 |
Session 5𝛼 11.25 — 13.05: Autograding (Session chair: Carsten Kleiner) ; |
Ordered Network Analysis in CS Education: Unveiling Patterns of Success and Struggle in Automated Programming Assessment ; Andres Felipe Zambrano, Maciej Pankiewicz, Amanda Barany and Ryan Shaun Baker |
A Case For Reflection In Autograding ; Chad Hogg |
Scalable Autograding for Quantum Programming Assignments ; Jonathan Beaumont and Kathryn Wakevainen |
Improving Student Learning with Automated Assessment ; Ruben Acuna and Ajay Bansal |
Session 5𝛽 11.25 — 13.05: Emotions, confidence and belonging (Session chair: Fiona McNeill) ; |
Exploring Students’ Self-Confidence in Their Programming Solutions ; Sven Strickroth |
In-Person vs Blended Learning: An Examination of Grades, Attendance, Peer Support, Competitiveness, and Belonging ; Anshul Shah, Vardhan Agarwal, Leo Porter, William G. Griswold and Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj |
On Using Physiological Sensors and AI to Monitor Emotions in a Bug-Hunting Game ; Natalia Silvis-Cividjian, Joshua Kenyon, Elina Nazarian, Stijn Sluis and Martin Gevonden |
Fostering and Assessing Dispositions by providing Grades a Meaning in a Computing Education Context ; Laura Tubino and Andrew Cain |
Session 5𝛾 11.25 — 13.05: Virtual tutors (Session chair: James Prather) ; |
Can Small Language Models with Retrieval-Augmented Generation Replace Large Language Models when Learning Computer Science? ; Suqing Liu, Zezhu Yu, Feiran Huang, Yousef Bulbulia, Andreas Bergen and Michael Liut |
Iris: An AI-Driven Virtual Tutor for Computer Science Education ; Patrick Bassner, Eduard Frankford and Stephan Krusche |
Chatbot Development Using LangChain: A Case Study to Foster Critical Thinking and Creativity ; Laura Farinetti and Lorenzo Canale |
Desirable Characteristics for AI Teaching Assistants in Programming Education ; Paul Denny, Stephen MacNeil, Jaromir Savelka, Leo Porter and Andrew Luxton-Reilly |
Session 5𝛿 11.25 — 13.05: Ethics (Session chair: Sue Sentance) ; |
With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility – Integrating Data Ethics into Computing Education ; Natalie Kiesler, Simone Opel and Carsten Thorbrügge |
Student Perspectives on Using a Large Language Model (LLM) for an Assignment on Professional Ethics ; Virginia Grande, Natalie Kiesler and María AndreÍna Francisco |
First Year CS Students Exploring And Identifying Biases and Social Injustices in Text-to-Image Generative AI ; Mikko Apiola, Henriikka Vartiainen and Matti Tedre |
Agile Ethics: A Low Stakes, Skills-based Framework for Teaching CS Ethics ; Alexi Brooks |
Session 5𝜀 11.25 — 13.05: Tips, Techniques and Courseware (Session chair: Tobias Kohn) ; |
Simplifying multimedia programming for novice programmers: MediaLib and its learning materials ; Adam Wynn, Jingyun Wang and Andrea Valente |
Learn by example in a modern embedded system course ; Rafael Corsi Ferrão, Igor dos Santos Montagner and Rodolfo Azevedo |
Programming Workbook: A Collaborative Coding Fusion \\(Print and Online) for Mastering Programming Fundamentals ; Christian Servin |
Individualising Assessments at Scale ; Joshua Burridge |
Databases Without Databases: Projects for Including Database Concepts in Interdisciplinary Curricula with LINQ ; Nuno Fachada |
Lunch : 13.05 — 14.30 |
14.30 — 17.30: Excursion (city tours + museum visits) |
19.00: Banquet |
Wednesday 10th July
Session 6𝛼 09.00 — 10.40: Working Groups (Session chair: Dennis Bouvier & Ari Korhonen) ; |
WG 1: Computing Education in Africa ; Sally Hamouda, Linda Marshall, Kate Sanders, Ethel Tshukudu, Ayorkor Korsah,Sandani, Emma Dodoo, Ismaila Temitayo Sanusi, Brett Becker, Jack Parkinson, Oluwakemi Ola, Oluwatoyin AdelakunAdeyemo |
WG 2: A Multi-Institutional-Multi-National Study into the Impacts of AI on Work Practices of IT Professionals and Implications for Computing Students ; Tony Clear, Åsa Cajander, Roger McDermott, Alison Clear, Ghazaleh Parvini, Monica Divitini, Tingting Zhu, Can Kultur, Maria Kasinidou, Mohammad Polash, Mats Daniels, Matt Forshaw, Niklas Humble, Styliani Kleanthous |
WG 3: Experiences of Instructors Who Teach Capstone Courses in the Computing and Information Technology Fields ; Sara Hooshangi, Asma Shakil, Subhasish Dasgupta, Mirela Gutica, Mohammed Farghally, Idel Martinez-Ramos, Steve Riddle, Mark Zarb, Ellie Lovellette, Karen Davis, KellyAnn Fitzpatrick, Mohammed Seyam, Ryan Hardt |
WG 4: Curriculum Analysis for Data Systems Education ; Daphne Miedema, Toni Taipalus, Abdussalam Alawini, Vangel V. Ajanovski, Svetlana Peltsverger, Martin Goodfellow, Alexandros Karakasidis, Michael Liut, Anthony Cleve, Luciano Gerber, TIffany Young |
WG 5: All for One and One for All – Collaboration in Computing Education: Policy, Practice, and Professional Dispositions ; Rita Garcia, Andrew Csizmadia, Jan Pearce, Bonnie MacKellar, Brian Harrington, Tom Prickett, Angela Zavaleta Bernuy, Bedour Alshaigy, Olga Glebova, Usman Nasir, Stephanie Lunn, Konstantinos Liaskos, Raymond Pettit, Craig Stewart, Sandra Schulz |
WG 6: Equity-Minded Computer Science Undergraduate Curriculum ; Ouldooz Baghban Karimi, Alice Gao, Peggy Lindner, Giulia Toti, Rutwa Engineer, Jinyoung Hur, Fiona McNeill, Shanon Reckinger, Rebecca Robinson, Anna Sollazzo, Richard Wicentowski |
WG 7: What We Talk About When We Talk About K-12 Computing Education ; Carsten Schulte, Sue Sentance, Sören Sparmann, Rukiye Altin, Mor Friebroon-Yesharim, Martina Landman, Michael T. Rücker, Spruha T. Satavlekar, Angela Siegel, Matti Tedre, Laura Tubino, Henriikka Vartiainen,J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide, Jane Waite, Zihan Wu |
Session 6𝛽 09.00 — 10.40: Tools and environments (Session chair: Brent Reeves) ; |
Design and Evaluation of a Web-based Distributed Pair Programming Tool for Novice Programmers ; José Colin, Sébastien Hoarau, Christophe Declercq and Julien Broisin |
Containerizing CS50: Standardizing Students’ Programming Environments ; David Malan |
MemStep: An Interactive Tool for Constructing and Visualizing the Run-Time Memory Layout of Java Programs ; Michelle Pham, Anna Nguyen and Rebecca Schreib |
The Shell Tutor: An Intelligent Tutoring System For The UNIX Command Shell And Git ; Jaxton Winder, Erik Falor, Seth Poulsen and John Edwards |
Session 6𝛾 09.00 — 10.40: Software engineering (Session chair: Cruz Izu) ; |
External Projects and Partners: Addressing Challenges and Minimizing Risks from the Outset ; Stan Kurkovsky, Chad Williams, Michael Goldweber and Nathan Sommer |
Code Refactoring Strategies of Third Year Software Engineering Students ; Roshan Rajapakse and Claudia Szabo |
Utilizing the Constrained K-Means Algorithm and Pre-Class GitHub Contribution Statistics for Forming Student Teams ; Jialin Cui, Fangtong Zhou, Chengyuan Liu, Qinjin Jia, Yang Song and Edward Gehringer |
A Comparative Analysis of GitHub Contributions Before and After An OSS Based Software Engineering Class ; Jialin Cui, Runqiu Zhang, Ruochi Li, Fangtong Zhou, Yang Song and Edward Gehringer |
Session 6𝛿 09.00 — 10.40: Student success and block-based programming (Session chair: Sean Russell) ; |
Investigating Academic Confidence, Workload Stress, and Performance in a BlendFlex Computer Science Course ; Madison Book, Lina Battestilli, Sarah Khan and Elaine B Bohórquez |
NextBlocks: An Interactive Block Programming Platform ; Duarte Pereira, Fernanda Barbosa and Carmen Morgado |
Block-Based Programming for Mobile with Conventional Exceptions and Automatic Evaluation ; Aryobarzan Atashpendar and Steffen Rothkugel |
From Visual Arts to Programming: Exploring the Impact on Achievement in Constructionist College CS1 Classes ; Oladele O. Campbell, Ismaila Temitayo Sanusi and Harrison Atagana |
Session 6𝜀 09.00 — 10.40: Live coding (Session chair: Guido Rößling) ; |
Scalable Feedback for Student Live Coding in Large Courses Using Automatic Error Grouping ; Sven Strickroth |
Comparing the Experiences of Live Coding versus Static Code Examples for Students and Instructors ; Andrea Watkins, Craig S. Miller and Amber Settle |
A Comparison of Student Behavioral Engagement in Traditional Live Coding and Active Live Coding Lectures ; Anshul Shah, Fatimah Alhumrani, William G. Griswold, Leo Porter and Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj |
Assessing Live Programming for Program Comprehension ; Oliver Graf, Sverrir Thorgeirsson and Zhendong Su |
Coffee break: 10.40 Poster Session 2 — 11.25 |
Session 7𝛼 11.25 — 12.40: Parsons problems (Session chair: Sara Hooshangi) ; |
Evaluating Micro Parsons Problems as Exam Questions ; Zihan Wu and David Smith |
Exploring the Acceptance and Effectiveness of Parsons Problems on Scaffolding CS1 Retakers ; Felipe Sanhueza, Francisco J. Gutierrez and Andrea Vásquez |
Automating Personalized Parsons Problems with Customized Contexts and Concepts ; Andre del Carpio Gutierrez, Paul Denny and Andrew Luxton-Reilly |
Session 7𝛽 11.25 — 12.40: Computing in schools 3 (Session chair: Michael Caspersen) ; |
Customizing ChatGPT to Help Computer Science Principles Students Learn Through Conversation ; Matthew Frazier, Kostadin Damevski and Lori Pollock |
Computational Thinking for Self-Regulated Learning ; Stefan Pasterk and Gertraud Benke |
Students’ Motivation and Intention to Engage with Data-Driven Technologies from a CS Perspective in Everyday Life ; Lukas Höper, Carsten Schulte and Andreas Mühling |
Session 7𝛾 11.25 — 12.40: Curriculum and learning resources (Session chair: Rita Garcia) ; |
Stubents: Videos Created by and for Students, Active Learning Resources in Large and Diverse Computer Science Classrooms ; Yige Chen and Bernardo Pereira Nunes |
Designing a CURE for CS1 ; Kevin Buffardi, Joana Brooks and David Alexander |
The CS1 Python Bakery: A Modern “Batteries Included” Open-Source Curriculum with All the Fixings ; Austin Bart, Megan Englert, John Aromando, Hye Rin Lee and Teomara Rutherford |
Session 7𝛿 11.25 — 12.40: Cybersecurity 2 (Session chair: Roger McDermott) ; |
A User Experience Study of MeetingMayhem: a Web-Based Game to Teach Adversarial Thinking ; Shan Huang, Jiwoo Lee, Chenyan Zhao, Geoffrey Herman, Marc Olano, Linda Oliva and Alan Sherman |
Design and Use of Privacy Capture-the-Flag Challenges in an Introductory Class on Information Privacy and Security ; Wolfgang Vigl and Svetlana Abramova |
Equitable Access to Cybersecurity Education: A Case Study of Underserved Middle School Students ; Madison Thomas, Erynn Elmore, Brenda Chavez, Ronaisha Ruth, Charlotte Avery, Michel Cukier and Veronica Catete |
Session 7𝜀 11.25 — 12.40: Broadening participation 1 (Session chair: Monica Divitini) ; |
Uncovering Meaningful Computing Contexts for Incarcerated College Students ; Emma Hogan, John Driscoll, Leo Porter, Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj and William Griswold |
Why Female Students Are Dropping out of CS Programs ; Rukiye Altin and Andreas Mühling |
Lunch: 12.40 — 14.30 |
Session 8𝛼 14.30 — 15.20: Working Groups (Session chair: Dennis Bouvier & Ari Korhonen) ; |
WG8: Designing a Pedagogical Framework for Developing Abstraction Skills ; Marjahan Begum, Julia Crossley, Filip Strömbäck, Eleni Akrida, Isaac Alpizar-Chacon, Abigail Evans, Joshua B. Gross, Pontus Haglund, Violetta Lonati, Chandrika Satyavolu, Sverrir Thorgeirsson |
WG9: How Are Instructors Incorporating Generative AI into Teaching Computing? ; James Prather, Juho Leinonen, Natalie Kiesler, Jaromir Savelka, Samuel Lau, Virginia Pettit, Brent Reeves, Daniel Zingaro, David H. Smith IV, Jamie Gorson Benario, Leo Porter, Narges Norouzi, Simone Opel, Stephen MacNeil, Sven Strickroth |
WG10: Improving Code Quality at CS1 Level: Structure, Style and Good Practices ; Cruz Izu, Claudio Mirolo, Rodrigo Duran, Ryan Crosby, Amruth Kumar, Georgiana Haldeman, Seán Russell, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, Ric Glassey, David Liu, Anshul Shah, Eduardo Carneiro de Oliveira, Harold Connamacher, Jürgen Börstler, Olli Kiljunen, Stephanos Matsumoto |
Session 8𝛽 14.30 — 15.20: Student engagement (Session chair: Marie Devlin ) ; |
Enhancing Student Engagement in Large-Scale Capstone Courses: An Experience Report ; Asma Shakil and Paul Denny |
Agora: Motivating and Measuring Engagement in Large-Class Discussions ; Hedayat Zarkoob, Siddharth Nand, Giulia Toti and Kevin Leyton-Brown |
Session 8𝛾 14.30 — 15.20: Computing education research and perception (Session chair: Kevin Buffardi) ; |
Exploring Barriers and Strategies to boost Scientific Output in Computing Education in Africa: Early Insights ; Ismaila Temitayo Sanusi and Ethel Tshukudu |
Exploring Perception in Computer Graphics Education ; Amani Najimudeen and Anne-Kathrin Peters |
Session 8𝛿 14.30 — 15.20: Supporting students (Session chair: Jack Parkinson) ; |
TeachNow: Enabling Teachers to Provide Spontaneous, Realtime 1:1 Help in Massive Online Courses ; Ali Malik, Juliette Woodrow, Chao Wang and Chris Piech |
Building Student Support for Computing Students: How Do Students Respond to Different Models? ; Fiona McNeill, Ojaswee Bajracharya and Charlie Myszkowski |
Session 8𝜀 14.30 — 15.20: Broadening participation 2 (Session chair: Ouldooz Baghban Karimi ) ; |
Capital in Computing Education: Investigating Factors Underlying Participation ; Thom Kunkeler and Aletta Nylén |
Bringing Our Full Selves Into Computing: Designing, Building, and Fostering Equitable Computing Education Communities ; Francisco Enrique Vicente Castro, Earl W. Huff Jr., Amber Solomon and Briana BettinThom Kunkeler and Aletta Nylén |
Closing Session 15.30 |
Poster Session 1
Creating Art with JavaScript: A Bridget Riley Inspired Coding Lesson – Maureen Neumann and Lisa Dion
Investigating the role or errors in programming learning – Alyssa Sha, Bernardo Pereira Nunes and Jiayi Shen
Integrating Automated Feedback into a Creative Coding Course – Abigail Evans
Fine-Tuning AI to Assist in Building Curriculum for the CIA Triad and Cyber Kill Chain – Paige Flores, Siddharth Kaza and Blair Taylor
Our journey to student-centered learning: lessons and insights from transitioning large-scale programming courses – Lukas Faessler and Markus Dahinden
Course Delivery Methods, Student Success, and Self-efficacy in Introductory Programming – Christopher Bogart, Can Kultur, Eric Keylor, Jaromir Savelka and Majd Sakr
A Traffic Light CPU for a First Course in Computer Organization – Margaret Black
Students’ understanding of programming fluency – Camilla Björn and Viggo Kann
Analyzing Students’ Preferences for LLM-Generated Analogies – Seth Bernstein, Paul Denny, Juho Leinonen, Matt Littlefield, Arto Hellas and Stephen MacNeil
Designing Modular Auto-graded Programming Projects – Can Kultur, Jaromir Savelka, Christopher Bogart and Majd Sakr
A Framework for Evaluating the Impact of Production Quality on Coding Demonstration Videos – Malhar Pandya, Aditya Kulkarni and Brian Harrington
Exploring Open Source to Understand Large Software Projects – Gregory Hislop and Heidi Ellis
Towards Building Data Science 2Y: Data Science Curriculum for Two-Year Programs – Christian Servin, Markus Geissler, Koudjo Koumadi, Pam Schmelz, Cara Tang and Cindy Tucker
LLMs in Open and Closed Book Examinations in a Final Year Applied Machine Learning Course (Early Findings). – Keith Quille, Brett Becker, Roisin Faherty, Damien Gordon, Svetlana Hensman, Miriam Harte, Markus Hofmann, Keith Nolan and Ciaran O’Leary
Enabling Digital Technology in Primary Schools – Keith Nolan, Keith Quille, Amanda O’Farrell, Karen Nolan, Roisin Faherty, Miriam Harte, Svetlana Hensman, Michael Collins, Rajesh Jaiswal and Brett A Becker
Poster Session 2
Test Anxiety, Self-Efficacy & Prior Experience – Celina Berg, Kezia Devathasan and Michelle Craig
Measuring teacher self-efficacy and careers awareness in K-12 AI education – Robert Whyte, Diana Kirby and Sue Sentance
Graduate and employer viewpoints of the learner-earner journey – Tom Prickett, Julie Walters and Longzhi Yang
Combining STEM Education and Equity for greater impact in late K-6 classrooms – Tobias M. Schifferle and Nina Kollegger
IT Professionals in Germany. Labor Market Demands of Computer Science Education and their Perception on Social Media – Stefan Udelhofen and Jens Dörpinghaus
Exploring Educational Escape Room as an Assessment Tool for Computer Science Courses – Bernardo Pereira Nunes, Guddu Kaur, April Chan, Sue Sharpe and Rosa Rosmery Soto Ruidias
A STEM Approach to Teach High School Students IoT and AI Concepts: An Air Pollution Example – Wei-Ling Lee, Chiu-Fan Hu and Cheng-Chih Wu
Do Storytelling Videos Help Students Learn Abstract Concepts? – Ishan Singh, Tingting Zhu and Andrew Petersen
AI Planning is Elementary: Introducing Young Learners to Automated Problem Solving – Bradford Mott, Anisha Gupta, Jessica Vandenberg, Srijita Chakraburty, Anne Ottenbreit-Leftwich, Cindy Hmelo-Silver, Adam Scribner, Seung Lee, Krista Glazewski and James Lester
Integrating Society, Ethics and the Computing Profession With Computer Science Curricula 2023 – Brett Becker
Learning by Teaching: Insights on Student-Created Instructional Videos for Large CS Classes – Pedro Guillermo Feijóo-García, Nimisha Roy and Olufisayo Omojokun
From Realtime to Online Erasmus+ Mobility and Back Again – Piotr Milczarski, João Monteiro and Derek O’Reilly
Fostering Teamwork in Software Engineering Projects – Mirela Gutica
Organizing International Intensive Project with Hybrid Elements – Piotr Milczarski