Monday 3 July 2017 |
08:30-09:00 |
Welcome & Opening session Room B |
09:00-10:30 |
Sana Odeh: Broadening participation in the Arab world Room B |
10:30-11:00 |
Break and Posters, ground floor hall
Heidi J.C. Ellis and Gregory W. Hislop: A Course Based on Open Organization Principles
Hylke H. Faber, Jan Salvador van der Ven and Menno D. M. Wierdsma: Teaching Computational Thinking to 8-Year-Olds through ScratchJr
Susan Rodger, Steve Cooper, Kathy Isbister, Madeleine Schep, Roxann Stalvey and Lance Perez: K-12 Teachers Experiences with Computing: A Case Study
Jorge Leoncio Guerra and Felix Armando Fermin: Alignment of Undergraduate Curriculum for Learning IoT in a Computer Science Faculty
Aparna Mahadev and Elena Braynova: Using Common Problem Sets to increase Student Engagement and Retention in CS2
Janka Majherova and Jana Jackova: New Trends in Teaching Programming in Secondary Education in Slovakia
Stefan Pasterk and Andreas Bollin: A Graph-based Approach to Analyze and Compare Computer Science Curricula for Primary and Lower Secondary Education
Violetta Lonati, Dario Malchiodi, Mattia Monga and Anna Morpurgo: Bebras as a Teaching Resource: Classifying the Tasks Corpus using Computational Thinking Skills
Tauno Palts and Margus Pedaste: Tasks for Assessing Aspects of Computational Thinking
George Nicou, Panayiotis Andreou and Irene Polycarpou: CodeAdventure: Learning Introductory Programming
Bruce Scharlau: Build your Future: Guiding Students to Enhance their Employability
Mohsen Dorodchi and Nasrin Dehbozorgi: Addressing the Paradox of Fun and Rigor in Learning Programming
11:00-12:30 |
Session 1Α Providing a good Start Room B; session chair Mohsen Dorodchi
Aidan McGowan, Neil Anderson, John Bush, Philip Hanna and Des Greer: Learning to Program - Choose your Lecture Seat Carefully!
Roger McDermott, Mark Zarb, Mats Daniels and Ville Isomöttönen: First Year Computing Students’ Perceptions of Authenticity in Assessment
Pasqueline Dantas Scaico, Ruy José Guerra Barretto de Queiroz and José Jorge Lima Dias Junior: Analyzing How Interest in Learning Programming Changes During a CS0 Course: A Qualitative Study with Brazilian Undergraduates
Session 1B Software engineering and design Room C; session chair Stan Kurkovsky
Kevin Buffardi: Comparing Remote and Co-located Interaction in Free and Open Source Software Engineering Projects
Kevin Buffardi, Colleen Robb and David Rahn: Learning Agile with Tech Startup Software Engineering Projects
Lynda Thomas, Carol Zander, Chris Loftus and Anna Eckerdal: Student Software Designs at the Undergraduate Midpoint
Session 1C Working group presentations 1 Room D; session chairs Judy Sheard & Ari Korhonen
WG1: Understanding International Benchmarks on Student Engagement – Awareness, Research Alignment and Response from a Computer Science Perspective
WG2: Game Development for Computer Science Education
WG3: Integrating International Students into Computer Science Programs: Challenges and Strategies for Success
WG4: Developing Assessments to Determine Mastery of Programming Fundamentals
WG5: “I know it when I see it” – Perceptions of Code Quality
WG6: Developing a Holistic Understanding of Systems and Algorithms through Research Papers
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch, garden |
14:00-15:30 |
Session 2Α CS1 Room B; session chair Becky Grasser
Robert H. Sloan, Cynthia Taylor and Richard Warner: Initial Experiences with a CS + Law Introduction to Computer Science (CS 1)
Timothy Urness: A Hybrid Open/Closed Lab for CS 1
Orna Muller, Ayelet Butman and Moshe Butman: Opening a (Sliding) Window to Advanced Topics
Session 2B Off the beaten path Room C; session chair Simon
Anna Vasilchenko, David Philip Green, Haneen Qarabash, Anne Preston, Tom Bartindale and Madeline Balaam: Media Literacy as a By-product of Collaborative Video Production by CS Students
Stan Kurkovsky and Chad Williams: Raspberry Pi as a Platform for Internet of Things Projects: Experiences and Lessons
Paul Dickson, Jeremy Block, Gina Echevarria and Kristina Keenan: An Experience-based Comparison of Unity and Unreal for a Stand-alone 3D Game Development Course
Session 2C Tips, techniques, and courseware Room D; session chair Judith Gal-Ezer
Vangel V. Ajanovski: Curriculum Mapping as a Tool for Improving Students’ Satisfaction with the Choice of Courses
Elizabeth Vidal, Marco Aedo and Eveling Castro: When the Robot meets the Turtle: a Gentle Introduction to Algorithms and Function
Philip Bille and Inge Li Gørtz: Immersive Algorithms: Better Visualization with Less Information
Arnold Rosenbloom, Sadia Sharmin and Andrew Wang: GIT: Pedagogy, Use and Administration in Undergraduate CS
Thomas Way, Mary-Angela Papalaskari, Lillian Cassel, Paula Matuszek, Carol Weiss and Yamini Praveena Tella: Machine Learning Modules for All Disciplines
Arnold Rosenbloom and Larry Zhang: A 12 Week Full Stack Web Course in 2017
Daniel Krutz and Samuel Malachowsky: PLASMA: Practical LAbs in Security for Mobile Applications
Michael Black: TetrisOS and BreakoutOS: Assembly Language Projects for Computer Organization
Heidi J.C. Ellis, Gregory W. Hislop and Darci Burdge: Courseware: HFOSS Project Evaluation
15:30-16:00 |
Break and Posters, ground floor hall
Heidi J.C. Ellis and Gregory W. Hislop: A Course Based on Open Organization Principles
Hylke H. Faber, Jan Salvador van der Ven and Menno D. M. Wierdsma: Teaching Computational Thinking to 8-Year-Olds through ScratchJr
Susan Rodger, Steve Cooper, Kathy Isbister, Madeleine Schep, Roxann Stalvey and Lance Perez: K-12 Teachers Experiences with Computing: A Case Study
Jorge Leoncio Guerra and Felix Armando Fermin: Alignment of Undergraduate Curriculum for Learning IoT in a Computer Science Faculty
Aparna Mahadev and Elena Braynova: Using Common Problem Sets to increase Student Engagement and Retention in CS2
Janka Majherova and Jana Jackova: New Trends in Teaching Programming in Secondary Education in Slovakia
Stefan Pasterk and Andreas Bollin: A Graph-based Approach to Analyze and Compare Computer Science Curricula for Primary and Lower Secondary Education
Violetta Lonati, Dario Malchiodi, Mattia Monga and Anna Morpurgo: Bebras as a Teaching Resource: Classifying the Tasks Corpus using Computational Thinking Skills
Tauno Palts and Margus Pedaste: Tasks for Assessing Aspects of Computational Thinking
George Nicou, Panayiotis Andreou and Irene Polycarpou: CodeAdventure: Learning Introductory Programming
Bruce Scharlau: Build your Future: Guiding Students to Enhance their Employability
Mohsen Dorodchi and Nasrin Dehbozorgi: Addressing the Paradox of Fun and Rigor in Learning Programming
16:00-17:30 |
Session 3Α Educational Tools: Programming Support Room B; session chair Susan Rodger
Sagar Parihar, Ziyaan Dadachanji, Praveen Kumar Singh, Rajdeep Das, Amey Karkare and Arnab Bhattacharya: Automatic Grading and Feedback using Program Repair for Introductory Programming Courses
Rebecca Smith, Terry Tang, Joe Warren and Scott Rixner: An Automated System for Interactively Learning Software Testing
Ayaan Kazerouni, Stephen Edwards, Simin T. Hall and Clifford Shaffer: DevEventTracker: Tracking Development Events to Assess Incremental Development and Procrastination
Session 3B Code Maturity Room C; session chair Guido Rößling
Hieke Keuning, Bastiaan Heeren and Johan Jeuring: Code Quality Issues in Student Programs
Yvonne Sedelmaier and Dieter Landes: Experiences in Teaching and Learning Requirements Engineering on a Sound Didactical Basis
Erkki Kaila, Rolf Lindén, Erno Lokkila and Mikko-Jussi Laakso: About Programming Maturity in Finnish High Schools: A Comparison Between High School and University Students’ Programming Skills
Session 3C Selecting / Training the Teaching Staff Room D; session chair Amber Settle
Dan Leyzberg, Jérémie Lumbroso and Christopher Moretti: Nailing the TA Interview: Using Rubrics for Hiring Teaching Assistants
Francisco J. Estrada and Anya Tafliovich: Bridging the Gap Between Desired and Actual Qualifications of Teaching Assistants: An Experience Report
Jennifer Rosato, Chery Lucarelli, Cassandra Beckworth and Ralph Morelli: A Comparison of Online and Hybrid Professional Development for CS Principles Teachers
Tuesday 4 July 2017 |
09:00-10:30 |
Session 4Α Exams and Exam Preparation Room B; session chair Lillian (Boots) Cassel
Paul Denny, Ewan Tempero, Dawn Garbett and Andrew Petersen: Examining a Student-generated Question Activity using Random Topic Assignment
Yingjun Cao and Leo Porter: Impact of Performance Level and Group Composition on Student Learning during Collaborative Exams
Anthony Estey and Yvonne Coady: Study Habits, Exam Performance, and Confidence: How do Workflow Practices and Self-Efficacy Ratings Align?
Session 4B K-12 Computing Education Room C; session chair Tony Clear
Veronica Cateté and Tiffany Barnes: Application of the Delphi Method in Computer Science Principles Rubric Creation
Ronald I. Greenberg: Educational Magic Tricks Based on Error-detection Schemes
Hannah Dee, Xefi Cufi, Alfredo Milani, Marius Marian, Valentina Poggioni, Olivier Aubreton, Anna Roura Rabionet and Tomi Rowlands: Playfully Coding: Embedding Computer Science Outreach in Schools
Session 4C Educational Tools Room D; session chair Irene Polycarpou
Phitchaya Mangpo Phothilimthana and Sumukh Sridhara: High-coverage Hint Generation for Massive Courses
Stephen Edwards and Krishnan Murali: CodeWorkout: Short Programming Exercises with Built-in Data Collection
Man Wang, Jean Mayo, Ching-Kuang Shene, Steve Carr and Chaoli Wang: UNIXvisual: A Visualization Tool for Teaching UNIX Permissions
10:30-11:00 |
Break and Posters, ground floor hall
Nadimpalli Mahadev: Building a Secure Hacking Lab in a Small University
James Walker, Jean Mayo, Ching-Kuang Shene and Steve Carr: Visualization for Secure Coding in C
Bastian Küppers and Ulrik Schroeder: E-assessment and Bring Your Own Device
Antti Knutas, Jouni Ikonen, Laura Anna Ripamonti, Dario Maggiorini and Jari Porras: Discovering Indicators of Commitment in Computer-supported Collaborative Student Teams
Kai Qian, Hossain Shahriar, Fan Wu, Lixin Tao and Prabir Bhattacharya: Labware for Secure Mobile Software Development (SMSD) Education
Joshua License: TestSQL: Learn SQL the Interactive Way
Herman Koppelman: Yellow and Red Cards to Deal with Hitchhiking in Groups
Malcolm Hutchison: Self-assess Competency as Yes/No – A Preliminary Study
Francesca Arcelli Fontana and Claudia Raibulet: Students’ Feedback in Using GitHub in a Project Development for a Software Engineering Course
Alexandra Badets, Becky Grasser and Stefan Peltier: Cross Cultural Project Based Learning & Soft Skills Practice
Milton Luoma, Jigang Liu and Kai Qian: Designing an Undergraduate Minor Program in E-discovery
Lillian Cassel, Don Goelman, Michael Posner, Darina Dicheva and Christo Dichev: Data Science For All: A Tale of Two Cities
11:00-12:30 |
Session 5Α CS Learning Room B; session chair Stephen Edwards
Daniel La Vista, Nickolas Falkner and Claudia Szabo: Understanding the Effects of Intervention on Computer Science Student Behaviour in On-line Forums
Shifa-E-Zehra Haidry, Katrina Falkner and Claudia Szabo: Identifying Domain-specific Cognitive Strategies for Software Engineering
Isabelle Blasquez and Hervé Leblanc: Specification by Example for Educational Purposes
Session 5B K-12 Computing Education II Room C; session chair Michal Armoni
Anna Lamprou, Alexander Repenning and Nora Anna Escherle: The Solothurn Project – Bringing Computer Science Education to Primary Schools in Switzerland
Isabella Corradini, Michael Lodi and Enrico Nardelli: Computational Thinking in Italian Schools: Quantitative Data and Teachers’ Sentiment Analysis after Two Years of Programma il Futuro Project
Samah Al Sabbagh, Huda Gedawy, Hanan Alshikhabobakr and Saquib Razak: Computing Curriculum in Middle Schools – An Experience Report
Session 5C Panel Room D; session chair Panayiotis Andreou
Francesco Maiorana, Miles Berry, Mark Nelson, Chery Lucarelli, M. Phillipps, S. Mishra and A. Benassi: International Perspectives on CS Teacher Formation and Professional Development
12:30-13:30 |
Session 6Α Academic Integrity Room B; session chair Henry Walker
Arto Hellas, Juho Leinonen and Petri Ihantola: Plagiarism in Take-home Exams: Help-seeking, Collaboration, and Systematic Cheating
Judy Sheard, Simon, Matthew Butler, Katrina Falkner, Michael Morgan and Amali Weerasinghe: Strategies for Maintaining Academic Integrity in First-year Computing Courses
Session 6B Working Group Presentations Room C; session chairs Ari Korhonen & Judy Sheard
WG7: Understanding the Effects of Lecturer Intervention on Computer Science Student Behaviour
WG8: The Internet of Things in CS Education: Current Challenges and Future Potential
WG9: Searching for Early Developmental Activities Leading to Computational Thinking Skills
Session 6C Panel Room D; session chair Jacqui Whalley
Irene Polycarpou, Panayiotis Andreou, Cary Laxer, Stanislav Kurkovsky: Academic-Industry Collaborations
13:30-14:00 |
Collection of lunch packages |
14:00-?? |
Excursions |
20:00-23:00 |
Conference Dinner
Cantina Bentivoglio Via Mascarella, 4/B Bologna;
GPS 44.498143, 11.349134
Wednesday 5 July 2017 |
09:00-10:30 |
Stefano Zacchiroli: Software Heritage: scholarly and educational synergies with preserving our software commons Room B |
10:30-11:00 |
Break and Posters, ground floor hall
Nadimpalli Mahadev: Building a Secure Hacking Lab in a Small University
James Walker, Jean Mayo, Ching-Kuang Shene and Steve Carr: Visualization for Secure Coding in C
Bastian Küppers and Ulrik Schroeder: E-assessment and Bring Your Own Device
Antti Knutas, Jouni Ikonen, Laura Anna Ripamonti, Dario Maggiorini and Jari Porras: Discovering Indicators of Commitment in Computer-supported Collaborative Student Teams
Kai Qian, Hossain Shahriar, Fan Wu, Lixin Tao and Prabir Bhattacharya: Labware for Secure Mobile Software Development (SMSD) Education
Joshua License: TestSQL: Learn SQL the Interactive Way
Herman Koppelman: Yellow and Red Cards to Deal with Hitchhiking in Groups
Malcolm Hutchison: Self-assess Competency as Yes/No – A Preliminary Study
Francesca Arcelli Fontana and Claudia Raibulet: Students’ Feedback in Using GitHub in a Project Development for a Software Engineering Course
Alexandra Badets, Becky Grasser and Stefan Peltier: Cross Cultural Project Based Learning & Soft Skills Practice
Milton Luoma, Jigang Liu and Kai Qian: Designing an Undergraduate Minor Program in E-discovery
Lillian Cassel, Don Goelman, Michael Posner, Darina Dicheva and Christo Dichev: Data Science For All: A Tale of Two Cities
11:00-12:30 |
Session 7Α Gender & Diversity in Computing Room B; session chair Deepak Kumar
Allison Scott, Alexis Martin, Frieda McAlear and Sonia Koshy: Broadening Participation in Computing: Examining Experiences of Girls of Color
Alison Hunter and Raewyn Boersen: Out from the Shadows: Encouraging Girls in New Zealand into IT Careers
Keith Quille, Natalie Culligan and Susan Bergin: Insights on Gender Differences in CS1: A Multi-institutional, Multi-variate Study
Session 7B Enhancing CS Instruction Room C; session chair Janet E Carter
Martin Kropp, Marla Landolt and Sonja Hof: Use of Gamification to Teach Agile Values and Collaboration
Francisco J. Estrada: Computer Science using the Lego NXT, an Experience Report
Darragh O’Brien: Teaching Operating Systems Concepts with SystemTap
Session 7C Feedback Room D; session chair Paul Denny
Michael James Scott and Gheorghita Ghinea: On the Impact of Lecture Recording Reduction: Evidence from a Randomised Trial
Claudia Szabo and Nickolas Falkner: Silence, Words, or Grades: The Effects of Lecturer Feedback in Multi-revision Assignments
Chris Martin, Janet Hughes and John Richards: Learning Dimensions: Lessons from Field Studies
12:30-14:00 |
Lunch, garden |
14:00-15:30 |
Session 8Α Programming Room B; session chair Roger McDermott
Cruz Izu, Cheryl Pope and Amali Weerasinghe: On the Ability to Reason about Program Behaviour: A Think-aloud Study
Daniel Toll and Anna Wingkvist: How Tool Support and Peer Scoring Improved our Students’ Attitudes toward Peer Reviews
Kyle Dewey, Phillip Conrad, Michelle Craig and Elena Morozova: Evaluating Test Suite Effectiveness and Assessing Student Code via Constraint Logic Programming
Session 8B Non-Majors Room C; session chair Herman Koppelman
Keith O’Hara, Kathleen Burke, Diana Ruggiero and Sven Anderson: Linking Language & Thinking with Code: Computing within a Writing-Intensive Introduction to the Liberal Arts
Sebastian Dziallas, Sally Fincher, Colin Johnson and Ian Utting: A First Look at the Year in Computing
Jennifer Campbell, Michelle Craig and Marcus Law: Computing for Medicine: An Experience Report
Session 8C Gamification Room D; session chair Larry Merkle
Rémy Siegfried, Severin Klinger, Markus Gross, Robert W. Sumner, Francesco Mondada and Stéphane Magnenat: Improved Mobile Robot Programming Performance through Real-time Program Assessment
Brian Harrington and Ayaan Chaudhry: Improving Participation and Engagement in CS1/CS2 with Gamified Practicals
Lassi Haaranen: Programming as a Performance – Live-streaming and its Implications for Computer Science Education
15:30-16:30 |
Closing session Room B |