Camera-ready submission of accepted papers
Congratulations if you have had a paper accepted to ITiCSE 2017. Here are the generic instructions to guide you towards your camera-ready submission. Specific instructions will be in the emails described below.
A. Your camera-ready paper will be submitted through Sheridan Printing, for which the instructions follow.
The ACM SIG formatting and preparation instructions for your submission to be included in the proceedings are available here:
Please follow the specific information for your submission type, regarding the templates, page limits, and formatting guidelines. Please familiarize yourself with the formatting and review in general for the helpful formatting hints included.
Although ACM introduced new templates in December 2016, your camera-ready version may still use the older templates (January 2015) if you prefer.
B. The hard submission deadline is April 3 2017 for papers and panels; and April 23 2017 for posters and for tips, techniques, and courseware. No extensions will be given. Kindly attend to your submission early if you have travel planned near the submission deadline. Papers and abstracts not submitted on time will not appear in the proceedings.
C. Please expect three emails:
C1. One email from ACM Rightsreview ( with a link to the electronic ACM copyright-permission form(s) to be completed. It might be up to a week before this email is sent. This email will be sent to only one author. If your submissions nominates more than one corresponding author, it will be sent to the corresponding author who is first on the submitted author list. After completing the electronic form, the same author will receive a confirmation email. Contained within the confirmation email will be the ACM copyright-permission block text, conference data, and DOI string/url specific for your submission that is mandatory to appear on the first page. On the Sheridan page listed in A above, see item 3, formatting help, for tips on how to include this text and minimize the space impact on the first page.
C2. One email from Sheridan Communications ( This email will contain your assigned submission id#, link to the formatting instructions (same as item A above), and a unique link to submit your final publication ready version on or before the submission deadline.
Please note that publication of your paper is contingent on at least one author registering and attending to present the paper. We look forward to your participation at ITiCSE 2017 in Bologna this July!