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Pre-conference workshop

Would you like to support student involvement in humanitarian free and open source software (HFOSS)? Full-time faculty at Non- U.S. institutions of higher education are invited to join us at the Professors' Open Source Software Experience (POSSE) workshop. Over 100 faculty members have attended the workshop and we have a growing community of faculty members who are helping students learn within HFOSS projects.

POSSE originated as a university outreach effort by Red Hat, Inc.  In recent years POSSE has been funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation for U.S. institutions of higher education.  Now, due to generous support provided by Google, the first POSSE will be held in Europe.

Additional Information:

This POSSE is intended for full-time faculty members at institutions of higher education outside the U.S.. This three-stage faculty workshop will help you prepare to support student participation in a Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS) project.  HFOSS is open source software that has a humanitarian purpose such as disaster management, health care, or economic development.

Join us if you would like to:

* Join the community of educators that involves students in HFOSS

* Learn how to support student learning within a real-world HFOSS project environment

* Motivate students and raise their appreciation for computing for social good

* Meet and collaborate with other instructors who have similar interests and goals

* Grow professionally

Workshop Format

The official language of the workshop is English. Unlike many workshops in which the content is concentrated in the face-to-face meeting, this workshop has three stages:

Stage 1 - Starts May 8, 2017 with online activities. These activities will take 2-3 hours/week and include interaction among workshop instructors and participants.

Stage 2 - The face-to-face workshop held in Bologna, Italy, July 1-2, 2017 as a pre-event for the ACM ITiCSE conference. Participants will include the workshop organizers, and possibly POSSE alumni, and open source community members.

Stage 3 - Starts immediately after stage 2 and consists of online activities and interactions among small groups so that participants will have support while involving students in an HFOSS project in the classroom.


How to Apply

To apply, please complete and submit the application available at:  Prior work with FOSS projects is not required.

Submit your application by May 1st. We will notify you of the status of your application by May 5th, 2017.


Participant Support

Participant support for this POSSE is provided by Google for full-time faculty at non-U.S. institutions of higher education.  For faculty at U.S. institutions, the next POSSE will be in fall 2017 on the east coast of the U.S.

Funding will provide 2 nights lodging ($225 USD per night for two nights) and meals during the workshop for attendees.  Travel costs will also be covered up to $450 USD. Participants will be responsible for any charges above these limits.